Home Sleep Test

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

How do you sleep? Have you been told that you snore or even stop breathing in your sleep? Do you sleep in a separate room from your partner? We can help with that!

At Weiseneberger Dental we offer free sleep consultations which can help determine your risk factors for sleep apnea, a very serious medical condition that could be hiding behind that snore. 

During your sleep consultation we will look for red flags that could indicate a sleep disorder might be present. If necessary, we will send you home with a home sleep test that will assess your quality of sleep. This replaces the need to go to a sleep center and allows you to sleep in the comfort of your own bed during the test. 

What will you wear during the test?

  1. An effort belt will be worn around the chest. This is used to measure how much your lungs are working during sleep and in what position you are sleeping.

  2. A pulse oximeter, placed on your finger, will measure your pulse and the amount of oxygen in the blood throughout the night.

  3. A nasal cannula is also worn that measures your air intake and keeps track of any snoring.

The test is very accurate and only needs to be worn for one night. The following day you will be invited to return to go over the test results with Dr. Weisenberger and Sam, our Sleep Champion. If sleep apnea is suspected, we will confirm the results with a sleep physician and then we  can start looking at different treatment options. These options range from sleeping with a CPAP machine to wearing a night guard that gently pulls the lower jaw forward allowing more oxygen intake during sleep.

This simple test could be a life changer just not for you but for your whole family. Call today to schedule your free sleep consultation!


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